**Role Purpose**
- The purpose of the role is to support process delivery byensuring daily performance of the Production Specialists, resolvetechnical escalations and develop technical capability within theProduction Specialists.
- ** Oversee and support process by reviewing daily transactionson performance parameters**
- _ Review performance dashboard and the scores for the team_
- _ Support the team in improving performance parameters byproviding technical support and process guidance _
- _Record, track, and document all queries received, problem-solving steps taken and total successful and unsuccessful resolutions_
- _ Ensure standard processes and procedures are followed to resolveall client queries_
- _ Resolve client queries as per the SLA's defined in thecontract _
- _Develop understanding of process/ product for the team membersto facilitate better client interaction and troubleshooting _
- _Document and analyze call logs to spot most occurring trends toprevent future problems_
- _ Identify red flags and escalate serious client issues to Teamleader in cases of untimely resolution_
- _ Avoids legal challenges by monitoring compliance with serviceagreements_
- **
Handle technical escalations through effective diagnosis andtroubleshooting of client queries**
- _ Manage and resolve technical roadblocks/ escalations as per SLAand quality requirements _
- _If unable to resolve the issues, timely escalate the issues toTA & SES_
- _ Provide product support and resolution to clients by performinga question diagnosis while guiding users through step-by-step solutions_
- _ Troubleshoot all client queries in a user-friendly, courteousand professional manner_
- _ Offer alternative solutions to clients (where appropriate) withthe objective of retaining customers' and clients' business_
- _ Organize ideas and effectively communicate oral messagesappropriate to listeners and situations_
- _ Follow up and make scheduled call backs to customers to recordfeedback and ensure compliance to contract SLA's_
- **
Build people capability to ensure operational excellence andmaintain superior customer service levels of the existing account/client**
- _ Mentor and guide Production Specialists on improving technicalknowledge_
- _ Collate trainings to be conducted as triage to bridge the skillgaps identified through interviews with the Production Specialist _
- _Develop and conduct trainings (Triages) within products forproduction specialist as per target_
- _ Inform client about the triages being conducted_
- _ Undertake product trainings to stay current with productfeatures, changes and updates_
- _ Enroll in product specific and any other trainings per clientrequirements/recommendations_
- _ Identify and document most common problems and recommendappropriate resolutions to the team_
- _ Update job knowledge by participating in self learningopportunities and maintaining personal networks_
**Stakeholder Interaction**
**Stakeholder Type**
**Stakeholder Identification**
**Purpose of Interaction**
- Team Leaders_
- Performance review_
- HR- Hiring and employee engagement and retention_
- TA, SEs_
- Escalation and issue resolution_
- Production Specialist_
- Training, issue escalation/ resolution_
- Client_
- Query Resolution_
Lists the competencies required to perform this role effectively:
- **
Functional Competencies/ Skill**
- Process Knowledge - Knowledge of assigned process, tools andsystems - **Competent**
**Competency Levels**
Knowledgeable about the competency requirements.
Demonstrates (inparts) frequently with mínimal support and guidance.
Consistently demonstrates the full range of the competency withoutguidance.
Extends the competency to difficult and unknown situations aswell.
Applies the competency in all situations and is serves as a guide toothers as well.
Coaches others and builds organizational capability in the competencyarea.
Serves as a key resource for that competency and is recognizedwithin the entire organization.
- **
Behavioral Competencies**
- Domain Knowledge
- Collaborative working
- Problem solving and decision making
- Attention to Detail
- Execution Excellence
- Stakeholder Management
- Client (Internal) Centricity
- Effective Communication
**Performance Parameter**
of cases resolved per day, compliance to process and qualitystandards, meeting process level SLAs, Pulse score, Customer feedback,NSAT/ ESAT
Team Management
Productivity, efficiency, absenteeism
Capability development
Triages completed, Technical Test performance