A seasoned marketer to drive brand awareness, customer acquisition and marketing effectiveness in BR for a portfolio of company brands including flagship brand Plaza Premium Lounge, Meet-and-greet brand Allways and other airport hospitality services within the Group. - Expected to understand well the travel ecosystem and consumer lifecycle in order to strategize and execute an effective marketing communications plan in the respective markets. - Drive marketing channel strategy including, but not limited to, PR, events, social, advertising, database marketing, trade & partner marketing, brand collaborations. - Manage marketing budget and project timelines and ensure local marketing efforts are aligned with global strategy and direction.
- Marketing experience in managerial level, preferably in hospitality or aviation industry/airport experience as key;
- Degree holder in Marketing or related disciplines;
- Ability to work in a start up environment;
- Advanced command of written and spoken English;
- Project management and time management skills;
Tipo de vaga: Tempo integral, Efetivo CLT
Salário: R$841,00 - R$12.000,00 por mês
- Assistência médica
- Seguro de vida
- Vale-refeição
- Vale-transporte
Horário de trabalho:
- De segunda à sexta-feira
Pagamento adicional:
- Adicional noturno
- Décimo terceiro salário
- Hora extra
Considerações relacionadas à COVID-19:
Uso de Mascara e Alcool Gel