* Supervise the development of engineering drawings from conceptual to detailed design drawing documents in accordance with Engineering Standards for Development of Technical Drawings (QP-ENG-STD-018).
* Update and maintain the consolidated master as-built drawing of the Industrial Cities (RLC, MIC, and DCA).
* Provide spatial engineering-related work to planners and engineers in the general allocation of plots and corridors of Industrial Cities (RLC, MIC, and DCA) in accordance with its land use and corridor master plans.
* Assist planners and engineers in the technical review of conceptual project proposals, approved for construction/on-going projects to determine its spatial accuracy with reference to the consolidated master as-built drawing that could bring conflicts and design flaws clashing with the existing facilities and utilities on site.
* Work closely and liaise with planners and engineers to review the drawings for approval submitted by the end-users, consultants, and contractors. Analyze and provide an overview of the work involved in the project and planning development to ensure coordination with the existing, on-going, future projects and off-plot utility layouts.
* Supervise the allocation of asset tag numbers with reference to the Engineering Standard (ES.0.07.0025) Equipment Identification and Tag Numbering System to Industrial Cities (RLC and MIC only).
* Review and take actions on all requests through PDMS, ECM, and Management of Change Request (MOC) Project As-built drawings in RLC and MIC. Monitor the status of all CAD requests through the CAD, GIS, and Survey Request System (CGSRS).
* Provide drawings with the existing facilities, utilities, and other related data and information for maintenance, operations, security, and fire safety to meet user requirements and project objectives as required.
* Provide data and information from the consolidated master drawing to GIS Section.