DisabilityCanoas - RSPresential10 PositionsEffective - CLTOperationalFull timeAddressed to people with disabilitiesHearing: Above 91 dB - Profound Hearing DeficiencyHearing: From 71 to 90 dB - Severe-to-Profound Hearing DeficiencyHearing: From 41 to 55 dB - Moderate Hearing DeficiencyHearing: From 56 to 70 dB - Severe Hearing DeficiencyMental: Use of community resourcesMental: JobMental: Health and safetyMental: Academic skillMental: Personal careMental: CommunicationVisual: Subnormal view or low viewPhysical: NanismPhysical: Amputation or absence of a memberPhysical: HemiplegiaPhysical: HemiparesisPhysical: TriplegiaPhysical: TriparesisPhysical: QuadriplegiaPhysical: TetraparesisPhysical: ParaplegiaPhysical: ParaparesisPhysical: Cerebral PalsyPhysical: OstomyPhysical: MonoparesisPhysical: MonoplegiaPhysical: Members with congenital or acquired deformitiesRequirementsHigh School (2nd Degree)About Redebrasil