Result of Service
He/she will provide technical advice and support the execution of activities related to the implementation of ongoing and new projects. The Programme Analyst will work in close collaboration with the operational, technical and communications teams of UN-Habitat in Rio de Janeiro and local project teams, staff of other UN Agencies, Government officials, media, multilateral and bilateral donors and civil society.
Work Location
São Gonçalo
Expected duration
Six months upon the signature of the contract, with the possibility of renewal.
The main mandate of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is to promote sustainable development of human settlements and policies conducive to adequate housing for all. Within this framework, UN-Habitat supports central and state governments, as well as local authorities and other partners for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, the 2030 Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.
UN-Habitat helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, more inclusive, compact, integrated, resilient and connected places with better opportunities where everyone can live with dignity. It works with organizations at every level, including all spheres of government, civil society and the private sector to help build, manage, plan and finance sustainable urban development.
The Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean - ROLAC - is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Agency puts emphasis on developing and managing activities in the host country. Indeed, for the past years, UN-Habitat has expanded its portfolio in Brazil by working with the three tiers of government in order to support the formulation and implementation of more effective, sustainable, participative and socially fairer urban economic, social and environmental policies.
Recently, UN-Habitat initiated a project with the aims to support the Municipal Government of São Gonçalo to reduce inequalities in the municipality based on the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda in the city. In particular, the proposal focuses on improving the capacities and conditions of the Municipality Direct Administration in monitoring of urban conditions and trends at the local level and providing evidence-based information to build sustainable and integrated urban policies locally, complementing the objectives of the city's Strategic Plan, called "Novos Rumos", and the five pillars that guide it: transparent and efficient public administration, safe city, well-cared city, healthy city and fair and inclusive city.
In order to properly implement this project, the office in São Gonçalo is looking for a Programme Analyst to ensure good execution of the work programme.
Report to UN-Habitat Manager
The Programme Analyst reports to the National Officer for Brazil, who will evaluate him/her.
Outputs/Work Assignment
The Programme Analyst shall support and advise the implementation of projects activities according to the responsibilities indicated below.
Under the overall supervision of the National Officer for Brazil, the Programme Analyst will work in the following areas:
a) Perform technical, administrative and management activities to ensure the work meet the objectives in terms of deadlines, budget and quality.
b) Provide support to projects alignment to global agendas such as 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda.
c) Provide information for the systematization and exchange of successful practices and experiences with other offices in the region and with headquarters divisions.
d) Monitor policy developments at national and regional level and identify policy-related opportunities on urban themes.
e) Provide appropriate technical support to implement activities related to the following areas:
a. capacity building and development;
b. city-biodiversity interaction;
c. collection, production, analysis and management of data, information and urban indicators;
d. public policies;
e. strategic and project planning, monitoring and implementation;
f. SDGs localization and implementation of the New Urban Agenda;
g. social mobilization and participation;
h. effective advocacy, monitoring and partnership.
f) Provide managerial support and coordinate the overall implementation of project's and partnership's work programme, including development, approval and implementation of activities;
g) Maintain close communication with counterparts and local partners, such as the governments, civil society organizations, universities, private sector, etc, under supervision;
h) Provide inputs for the identification and mitigation of project risks, including relevant challenges or omissions and other situations that may affect the development and implementation of projects.
i) Collaborate with the institutional knowledge mechanisms by compiling, reporting and sharing information.
j) Attend to meetings and conferences promoted