Result of Service
Ultimate Result of Service
The products to be developed by the Senior Consultant (Sustainable Urban Development) are part of the Programme to Support Municipalities in Alagoas, which aims to engage, train and prepare Local Action Plans for Sustainable Urban Development, in two scales and under two lenses: the city scale, aligned to global development agendas, and the public spaces scale, guided by the practical localisation of these sustainable development agendas, with emphasis on crime and violence prevention.
The Local Action Plan should be a set of synthetic and strategic documents, prepared through evidence-based diagnoses and participatory processes, which will serve as a practical tool to identify public problems, prioritize actions, establish processes and articulate actors, with the aim of achieving the vision of sustainable urban development defined for a city in its different scales.
The Senior Consultant will be responsible for preparing four City Action Plans, one for each city participating in the Programme and composed of two documents each: i) City Profile: document with a synthetic overview, prepared from the identification of the main public problems aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to the New Urban Agenda (NUA), based on data and on the systematization of the discussions of participatory workshops; ii) Urban Strategies Booklet: document with structured proposals according to the context, vision, objectives and logical framework of the priority recommendations.
The Programme will be implemented through several activities, such as technical visits, preparatory meetings, four different workshop formats (capacity building, thematic, validation, and feedback), in addition to the Programme launching and closing.
These activities will take place in three different environments, depending on their objective, in order to facilitate the engagement, participation and execution of the steps: i) participating city: technical visits and thematic workshops; ii) Maceió: capacity-building and feedback workshops, Programme launch and closure; and iii) ReDUS online platform: preparatory meetings, validation workshops, communication and information organization.
The expected results of the program are: i) municipalities engaged in a network to debate, exchange experiences and elaborate proposals that implement global development agendas at the local level; ii) public managers and representatives of civil society and academia with their institutional capacities strengthened in relation to the SDGs, the NUA and methods for public spaces evaluation ; iii) practical diagnostic tools and strategies designed for sustainable urban development and for the intervention of public spaces with the inclusivity and safety perspective; and iv) projection and visibility opportunities provided to municipalities in UN-Habitat communication spaces, in addition to insertion in its mapping of opportunities for partner institutions.
The cities in Alagoas selected by the Government of Alagoas to participate in the Programme are Maragogi, Penedo, Santana do Ipanema and União dos Palmares, and each one will have a Working Group formed by public managers, civil society and academia representatives.
The Consultant will work in close collaboration with the operational and technical teams of UN-Habitat offices in Alagoas and Rio de Janeiro.
Work Location
Expected duration
The consultancy has an expected duration of four (4) months.
The main mandate of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is to promote sustainable development of human settlements and policies conducive to adequate housing for all.
Within this framework, UN-Habitat supports central and state governments, as well as local authorities and other partners for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, the 2030 Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.
UN-Habitat helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, more inclusive, compact, integrated, resilient and connected places with better opportunities where everyone can live with dignity.
It works with organizations at every level, including all spheres of government, civil society, and the private sector to help build, manage, plan and finance sustainable urban development.
The Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean - ROLAC - is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Agency puts emphasis in developing and managing activities in the host country.
Indeed, for the past years, UN-Habitat has expanded its portfolio in Brazil by working with the three tiers of government in order to support the formulation and implementation of more effective, sustainable, participative and socially fairer urban economic, social and environmental policies.
Through a partnership with the Government of the State of Alagoas to improve institutional and technical capacities of Stat